Monday, April 18, 2011

Passover Humor

If you're like me, you're always up for a good laugh. The problem is, though, there's not much about Passover that's all that funny--that is until you're 4 cups in and the guy across the table, who decided to take on his own chumrah (extra stringency) and drink straight through the meal, tries to make animal noises for Adir Hu, thinking you're up to Chad Gadya. Of course, the story of the Exodus is exciting and genuinely inspirational, but as a movie I'd file it with the dramas or the action films, even the sci-fi (well, minus the "fi"), but definately not under "comedy." That's probably for the best: how would it look if the story of G-d's greatest show of wonder and Heavenly dominance was relegated to sitting in some Blockbuster next to a scratched-up copy of "The Hangover?" But that still means no one's laughing when it comes to Pesach. To fix some of that, I've put together some clips and other stuff that made me laugh. Of course, this is not meant to detract from any of the serious preparation that must precede any meaningful spiritual endeavor. Just think of it as the charoset on top.
OK, here we go. Everyone, leaning to the left...

No one makes fun of Jews like Colbert

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Passover Commercialism
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogVideo Archive
Classic Daily Show

Hitler Finds Out There's Another Jewish Holiday Parody

The SNL Seinfeld Passover Sketch

The Japanese Pesach tip (HT: Kventchingeditor)

Pesach Cards - Let's commemorate our people's freedom from 210 years of slavery by rushing through a 30-minute Seder - Your advancing senility is sure to add an exciting new dimension to the afikomen search
Four Questions: Extended Edition
A hysterical piece from the New Yorker by SNL writers

YOUNGEST CHILD: How is this night different from all other nights?
FATHER: Because on this night we tell the story of our escape from Egypt.

YOUNGEST CHILD: How is this night different from Easter?
FATHER: It is worse.

YOUNGEST CHILD: Why do we go through the motions of this ritual year after year, even though all of us doubt God’s existence?
FATHER: Because your grandmother is still alive.

YOUNGEST CHILD: Why on this night does the mother-in-law say that the brisket her son’s wife cooked is dry when it is fine?
FATHER: Because she resents the fact that she cannot legally marry her son, the doctor.

YOUNGEST CHILD: Why on this night do we leave this chair open?
FATHER: It is for the holy angel Elijah, should he bless us with a visit.

YOUNGEST CHILD: Why is this other chair open?
FATHER: That’s where your grandfather was sitting. He’s been in the bathroom for over ninety minutes. He’s either having some troubles, or he is engrossed in that book of Doonesbury cartoons.

YOUNGEST CHILD: How long has that book been in there?
FATHER: Since the time of Egypt.

YOUNGEST CHILD: Why, if Israel is so great, have we never gone there?
FATHER: It is not great. We are scared to go there.

OLDEST DAUGHTER: My friends say that I look Italian. Is that true?
FATHER: It is not true. You friends are either liars or so Jewish-looking that you look less Jewish by comparison.

OLDEST DAUGHTER: When can I get a nose job?
FATHER: Ninety days before college. That is how long it takes for the bandages to come off.

FATHER: Has everyone here seen “Blazing Saddles”?
ALL: Yes, we have seen it.

FATHER: Do you remember the beans scene? That is the greatest scene.
ALL: Yes, we remember it.

FATHER: Does it get any better than Billy Joel?
ALL: No.

YOUNGEST CHILD: Why do we subscribe to the Forward?
FATHER: We do not subscribe. They found us.

YOUNGEST CHILD: Can we please just eat already?

ALL: Amen.

Chag Sameach, Happy Passover to everyone!

JewBrain Tinier

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