Tuesday, March 16, 2010

G-d to Brain: "You Don't Know Me"

A Canadian neuroscientist will address hundreds of theologians  at the University of Marburg, in Germany next week and tell them something they, hopefully, already know: the human brain cannot understand the existence of G-d. 

This, of course, says nothing about whether G-d, in fact, exists. To say that the mortal brain that (let's assume) G-d, Himself, created can be the ultimate arbiter of such a, literally, mind-boggling question would be chutzpah of the highest order. Indeed, this is one of the basics of Jewish theology (See also Rambam, Yesodei Hatorah 1:2; Ramchal, Derech HaShem 1:1). As summed up by "the sage" in R' Yosef Albo's Sefer HaIkarim (Book of the Foundations): "If I would know Him I would be Him." 
JewBrain Tinier

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